High Resolution Scale
BLOCK® technology. It allows working with a readability of 1 g at a maximum capacity of 300 kg and 20 g at a maximum capacity of 2000 kg, with a repeatability of 3 g guaranteed.
9 advantages, 1 monobloc
Repeatability not repeatable by others
BLOCK® technology. It allows working with a readability of 1 g at a maximum capacity of 300 kg and 20 g at a maximum capacity of 2 000 kg, with a repeatability of 3 g guaranteed.
For such industries as pharmaceutical, chemical, food and…

Choose a terminal
- 5.7-inch color resistive display
- a touch-sensitive keyboard
- ABS plastic housing
- IP 43 protection rating
- communication interfaces: 2xRS232, 2xUSB-A, Ethernet, 4 IN/ 4 OUT, Wi-Fi®®,
- optional additional modules: additional A/D converter module DP6.
- 10.1-inch color graphic display
- touchscreen keyboard
- stainless steel housing
- IP 68/69 degree of protection
- communication interfaces: 2xRS232, 2xUSB-A, Ethernet, 4 IN/ 4 OUT,
- optional additional modules: Wi-Fi®®, RS485, Profibus, Profinet, analog output module, 12 IN/ 12 OUT.

The power of steel
Do you need ALIBI?

Use the potential
Not just weighing
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Verwendung und Pflege von Edelstahlprodukten:
Rostfreier Stahl in RADWAG-Produkten. Standard- und Spezialanwendungen
Wi-Fi® ist eine eingetragene Marke der Wi-Fi Alliance®.
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Sie erwerben ein in Europa entwickeltes und hergestelltes Produkt – somit erhalten Sie ein Gerät mit einem definierten Standard an Konformität.