Effective and Excellent Measurement
The UMA 2.5Y.FC automatic weighing system is a first-class solution for professional mass measurement. Dynamic control and correction of mass indications both ensure fast and stable weighing regardless of the weighed filter type.
The UMA weighing systems, due to the elimination of the human factor, temperature changes and air drafts, guarantee excellent measurement repeatability.
Effective Weighing Analysis
Full automation of the weighing cycle, thanks to the elimination of the ‚human factor’, is a guarantee of measurement repeatability impossible to be obtained in case of manual weighing. Remote programming of measurement processes significantly increases operation efficiency.
Dedicated Software
The RMCS Filters software allows to manage time and comparison test plans of each filter or filter series. Summary reports and report components are defined by the system administrator.
Metrological Control
Periodically, correctness of weighing system operation is verified via a certified mass standard or a reference filter.
Stable Mechanical Design
The UMA 2.5Y.FC automatic weighing system is equipped with an integrated anti-vibration table ensuring the greatest stability of mass measurements.
Ambient Conditions Module
The ambient conditions module is housed inside the bottom part of the weighing system. This results with a laminar air flow that does not disturb the ongoing filter mass measurement. The range of temperature and humidity changes is automatically forced in accordance with the values programmed via device terminal.
Climate Chamber
The integrated climatic chamber guarantees constant ambient conditions in the chamber, ensuring proper filter conditioning in accordance with the PN-EN 12341:2014 standard:
- stability of operating temperature: ± 1oC,
- stability of relative humidity: ± 2.5%,
- the operating humidity in the climate chamber during the process: 30–60%,
- the room temperature during operation must remain within the range of 19-25°C, and the relative humidity should oscillate between 40–60%.