Mots de remerciements pour le soutien à l’organisation du jubilé de Xième Congrès International des Moteurs à Combustion qui a eu lieu à Wroclaw du 19 au 21 juin 2023
de la part des autorités de l’Ecole Polytechnique.
Spécial honorant les riches réalisations professionnelles et les réalisations exceptionnelles de M. Witold Lewandowski – entrée dans le Livre d’Or des Diplômés de l’Université de technologie de Varsovie.
Remerciements à RADWAG Balances Électroniques pour son soutien financier à l’achat d’une bannière pour les Écoles 72e Régiment d’Infanterie à Radom du Centre de Formation Professionnelle du Directeur de l’école.
RADWAG as one of the exhibitors of the PWG (Polish Economic Exhibition)
A project under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Poland
RADWAG as a patron of the Radom Chamber Orchestra
Acknowledges for RADWAG, a long-standing friend of the Radom Chamber Orchestra
„Radomski Laur Techniki” ['Radom Technology Laurel'] for Product of the Year category for design and implementation of an analytical balance of SYNERGY LAB line
awarded by Radomska Rada Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych Naczelnej Organizacji Technicznej [Science-Technology Association Federation Council of General Organization of Technology, Radom].
Award for the MYA 5.4Y.F microbalance, granted in a competition for the Trade Fair Best Offer in 'Measuring Equipment for Laboratory' category,
by XXI International Trade Fair of Analytical Measurement and Measurement technology EuroLab 2019.
Sincere thanks for RADWAG Balances and Scales passed on by the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
from the Organizing Committee of the Biotechnology: Research and Industrial Applications
Special thanks to RADWAG Balances and Scales for support of XXIII Session of Young Scientific Staff, 'FOOD - Tradition and Modernity',
from the Dean of the Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology, University of Life Sciences, Lublin.
We are the participants of the SOLID Company Program (Rzetelna Firma)
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Prize for the best product XA 4Y.M.A microbalance
XX International Trade Fair of Analytical Measurement and Control Technology EuroLab 2018
European Medal for MA X2.A Moisture Analyzers
granted by Business Centre Club
European Medal for AKM-4 series of automatic mass comparators
granted by Business Centre Club
2011 Ambassador of Polish Economy in the category of 21st century Creator of Design and Solution
granted by Business Centre Club
2010 Ambassador of Polish Economy in the category of European Brand
granted by Business Centre Club
Medal granted on the 12th International Trade Fair on Analytical, Measurement and Control Technology
Jubilee Medal granted on the 10th edition of the International Fair of Fish Processing and Fish Products
Title of the 2009 Ambassador of Polish Economy in the category of European Brand
granted by Business Centre Club
European Medal for XA/X analytical balance
granted by Business Centre Club
Distinction expressed by allowance of using "Q" symbol
given by jury of "Forum Jakości Quality International 2007" competition
Membership of Elite Club of Business’ Gazelles – a group of most dynamically developing companies
acknowledged by daily "Business’ Pulse"
European medal for MXA/F microbalance
granted by Business Centre Club
Membership of Elite Club of Business’ Gazelles – a group of most dynamically developing companies
acknowledged by daily "Business’ Pulse"
European medal for WAS/X analytical balance
granted by Business Centre Club
Membership of Elite Club of Business’ Gazelles – a group of most dynamically developing companies
acknowledged by daily " Business’ Pulse"
Golden Wings 2005
granted by Wings Economy Award Jury and “Word” Daily Magazine
Distinction for Polish technologies promotion in Europe and around the World
granted by Pomiar publishers
Market Individuality - "Merkury 2003" in "Product and Service" category for WAX scales with first in Poland CE certificates
granted by "Foreign Markets"
I Prize in Best Stand competition during II Scientific-Technical Conference "Using Technology and Measuring Systems In Industry”
granted by "Wag-Tech" Pomiar publishers
Prize in a competition of best market offer in Chemical Analytic category for analytical scales offer
granted by III International Fair of Analytics and Measuring Techniques EuroLab 2001
Prize in a competition of best market offer in Local Measuring Devices category for series of moisture analyzers
granted by III International Fair of Analytics and Measuring Techniques EuroLab 2001
Wings 98 in acknowledgement of remarkable achievements at Radom’s region promotion in Poland and abroad
granted by "Słowo Ludu" Award Jury Radom’s Wings
Medal for Quality, Functionality and Beauty for Radwag’s domestic scale
granted by Central Craft Union at National fair in Poznań