Radwag Bilance e sistemi di pesatura
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Radwag was founded in 1984 as a small craftsman works. A company employing a few people was manufacturing simple solutions as kitchen scales equipped with spring elements, mechanical scales and solutions for post.

In 1992 Radwag has manufactured first electronic balance equipped with microprocessor. Mass production of technologically advanced scales revolutionizes its construction and begins dynamic development of the company.

By then, on Grudniowa Street first independent premises of the company are created. Simultaneously, there is an increase in employment, and what follows - production increase is observed.

Radwag in year 1995
First scale 1984

Radwag relies on its own technical ideas, all products manufactured by Radwag base on its own constructional and technical solutions. The development of company is financed exclusively from profits gained from sales of manufactured goods.

Radwag, in year 1995 , has manufactured 10 000 of electronic balances and scales, two years later, in 1997, first analytical balances has been manufactured. In year 2000 Radwag has started to manufacture weighbridges.

Radwag, from a local manufacturer has transformed into a company known across the world, and in year 2002 it receives ISO 9001:2000 certificate.

Radwag bilance e sistemi di pesatura
Torunska 5
26-600 Radom
tel.: +48 48 386 60 00
e-mail: export@radwag.com
TIN: PL7960000327
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© 2024 Radwag bilance e sistemi di pesatura. Diritti riservati


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