Calibration of electronic weighing equipment for accreditation purposes comprises the following instruments:
Electronic, non-automatic scales with Max capacity up to 3000 kg;
Electronic automatic scales with Max capacity up to 60 kg;
Scales/electronic comparators with Max capacity up to 25 kg.
Standard calibration of non-automatic scales includes:
estimation of errors of indication (systematic error) measured in maximally 5 testing points;
estimation of repeatability parameter (random error expressed by standard deviation);
estimation of errors being an effect of eccentric loading;
estimation of errors of indication (systematic error) wherein the TARE device operates;
issuing the Calibration Certificate.
Standard calibration of automatic scales includes:
estimation of static errors (static error of indication, repeatability expressed as a standard deviation, errors being an effect of eccentric loading);
estimation of dynamic errors (standard deviation estimated using tested sample);
issuing the Calibration Certificate.
Assessment of conformity with requirements of the following documentation is possible:
Directive 2014/31/EU of 23 February 2014 on non-automatic weighing instruments;
Assessment of conformity with requirements specified by the client.