RW 5Y.F153 Robotic Weighing System
RW 5Y.F153 Robotic Weighing System is a filter weighing station. Its important component is the multi-range robotic arm, which has a reach of 500 mm and a maximum capacity of 3 kg. The arm moves in several axes and has as many as six degrees of freedom, that is, it bends in six places. The cobot is a device designed to cooperate with humans. It poses no danger in direct contact with the operator.

Incomparable Ultra-Microbalance Readability
RW 5Y.F153 is synonymous with full automation of filter weight measurement. The device is based on the UYA 2.5Y Ultra-Microbalance weighing mechanism, which provides incomparable repeatability and a readability [d] of 0,1 µg. The RW 5Y.F153 enables the weighing procedure and determination of the dust level of any number of filters with a diameter of 47 mm. Monitoring of ambient conditions records the current environmental conditions and allows them to be viewed and data to be reported.

The Cobot’s Helping Hand
A cobot working together with the balance takes samples from the magazine, identifies them with a 2D code reader, and then weighs them. A magazine equipped with interchangeable shelves allows continuous operation of the robot. The principle of the system is based on the execution of successive ‘orders’, which the robot carries out in a set sequence. For example, if, as part of the first order, the robot picks up filters from shelf No. 1, once the order is complete, the shelf can be replaced with a new one, with the next set of filters and task. Once the robot has completed all the previously scheduled jobs, it will automatically move to shelf No. 1 to complete the new task, significantly increasing the efficiency of the system. The use of a cobot equipped with a range of certified safety systems allows the robot to interact directly with laboratory personnel, without the need for screens, nets or additional safety systems. Monitoring of ambient conditions records the current environmental conditions and allows them to be viewed and data to be reported.
What Do You Get When You Buy the RW 5Y.F153?
- UYA 2.5Y Ultra-Microbalance with an anti-draft shield
- Cobot, which is a robot with a gripper that allows you to transport filters between the magazine and the ultra-microbalance
- Magazine for storing filters (magazine capacity: 153 cassettes)
- Reference magazine
- Reference standards
- THB-S Sensor which monitors ambient conditions, mostly temperature, humidity and pressure
- 5Y weighing terminal for managing the operation of the device
- Barcode and QR code reader
- PC with RMCS Filter software to manage the operation of the entire device.

Ergonomics and Compatibility of RADWAG Products
The 10-inch touchscreen display of the 5Y terminal guarantees readability of the result from many angles and comfort of use. The ergonomics of work is also enhanced by touch-free operation of the device. Thanks to the available communication interfaces, the RW 5Y.F153 will connect you to a spreadsheet (USB-C), to a smartphone or tablet (Hotspot), a printer (Ethernet, Wi-Fi®, USB-A), a computer (Ethernet, Wi-Fi®, USB-A), a barcode scanner (USB-A), as well as to a keyboard and mouse.
What Do You Gain When You Buy the RW 5Y.F153?
- Fully automated weighing system for 47 mm diameter filters
- Compliance with EN 12341:2024
- Time savings compared to the procedure of weighing filters manually
- Elimination of the human factor as a cause of measurement errors
- Process management with RMCS Filter software
- Automatic data recording as well as creating reports and statistics
- Identification of filters thanks to a system of QR codes applied to the casettes
- Ease of movement of the system within the workplace
- Simplicity of installation and operation.
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